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Thursday, October 21, 2010

VLAN Configuration in Cisco Networking

The network lab has two Catalyst 2950T24 switches, with names Maryland and California, and one Catalyst 2950G Switch with name Virginia.

All the Cisco switches has two operational modes
− User Exec Mode :
When a user first establishes the connection with the
switch, and enter the password, the switch is in ‘User
EXEC Mode’, and the prompt is ‘>’.
− Privileged Mode: when user enter the command ‘enable’ and supply the password, it enters the privileged mode, and the prompt is ‘#’
− Only in privileged mode, a user can enter configuration mode; to enter configuration mode, user must enter the command ‘config t’

A virtual LAN (VLAN) is a logical LAN, or a logical subnet.Vlan defines a broadcast domain. A physical subnet is a group of devices that shares the same physical wire. A logical subnet is a group of switch ports assigned to the same VLAN.
· Logically divide a switch into multiple, independent switches at L2· Create separate broadcast domains in a switch, increasing the number of broadcast domains· Span multiple switches using trunks
· Allow logical grouping of users by function
· Simplify adding, moving, and changing hosts in the network
· Enhance security
VLAN configuration steps:1. The VLAN must be created.
2. The VLAN may be named.
3. The desired ports must be added to the new VLAN.
Note: Routing between VLANs requires a router or Layer 3 switch.

Creating Static VLANs
There are 2 ways of create Vlans:
• Using the VLAN configuration mode, which is the recommended way to create VLANs
• Using the VLAN database mode (which should not be used but is still available)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


 is one of a steady rise from a small, five-man operation headquartered in southwest Germany's Rhine-Neckar region to one of the world's largest independent software providers and an employer of more than 47,598 people in over 50 countries.

Read about SAP's exciting evolution and key milestones:
  • 1972 – 1981: The First 10 Years – "The First 10 Years" chronicles the highlights of the company's beginnings and subsequent development – from SAP's foundation, its first software modules, and the SAP R/2 system to the company's first-year revenues, first customers outside of Germany, and first trade-show appearance.
  • 1982 – 1991: The SAP R/3 Era – Four servers with 64MB of memory. Employing 100 employees and signing its 1,000th customer. Reaching the DM100 million in revenues, and expanding abroad. The development of the SAP R/3 product generation. These and other landmark events are the subject of "The SAP R/3 Era."
  • 1992 – 2001: The Age of E-Business – Reaching €6 billion, and employing more than 24,000 employees. Trade shows and conferences. Going public, and developing new technologies and platforms. Learn more about SAP's meteoric rise in "The Age of E-Business."
  • 2002 to Today: SAP Today – SAP's story continues with the SAP NetWeaver platform, whose technologies intertwine system landscapes and information flows, integrate companies and their employee teams, and establish connections among markets across virtually any perceived barrier. "SAP Today" describes the most recent technological and entrepreneurial milestones in SAP's continuing development.
From Walldorf to Wall Street: The SAP Success Story
As the world's leading provider of business software*, SAP (which stands for "Systems, Applications, and Products in Data Processing") delivers products and services that help accelerate business innovation for our customers. We believe that doing so will unleash growth and create significant new value – for our customers, SAP, and ultimately, entire industries and the economy at large. Today, customers in more than 
120 countries run SAP applications – from distinct solutions addressing the needs of small businesses and midsize companies to suite offerings for global organizations.
Founded in 1972, SAP has a rich history of innovation and growth as a true industry leader. SAP currently has sales and development locations in more than 50 countries worldwide and is listed on several exchanges, including the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and NYSE under the symbol "SAP."

Image Editing Using C, C++

Every image file has a header and data section. The header section contains the information about the entire image. The data section is the actual image. You can do some googling and find out the header format for images and read the header and data sections of the image file and display it on the output device.
Default color is blue, red,grey for edit picture using this application. Gotoxy for computing the distance of the object. and to fill and edit the color.

Nanomites Technology

Nano robotics is the technology of creating machines or robots at or close to the microscopic scale of a nanometer (10−9 meters). More specifically, nanorobotics refers to the still largely hypothetical nanotechnology engineering discipline of designing and building nanorobots, devices ranging in size from 0.1-10 micrometers and constructed of nanoscale or molecular components. As of 2010[update] nobody has yet built artificial non-biological nanorobots: they remain a hypothetical concept.
Swiss Nano technology.Cleans, outshines protects eyewear, cameras, binoculars, optical lenses of all types Nanomite Optical is revolutionary new swiss nano technology formula laboratoy manufactured specifically for use on all types of lenses be they plastic or glass, coated or uncoated. It is a biodegradable, non -toxic, non - flammable, hypoallergenic, contains no CFC's, is not enzyme or petrochemical based and is environmentally safe.

AutoCad 3d Animation

 AutoCAD used primitive entities — lines, polylines, circles, arcs, and text — to construct more complex objects. Since the mid-1990s, AutoCAD has supported custom objects through its C++ Application Programming Interface (API). Modern AutoCAD includes a full set of basicsolid modeling and 3D tools. With the release of AutoCAD 2007 came improved 3D modeling, which meant better navigation when working in 3D. Moreover, it became easier to edit 3D models. 
 into a data file for pricing, materials estimation, and other values related to the objects represented. 
Adobe Illustrator is a vector-based drawing program developed and marketed by Adobe Systems. Adobe Illustrator - History. Adobe Illustrator was first developed for the Apple Macintosh in 1987 as a logical commercialization of Adobe's in-house font development software and PostScript file format. In many ways Illustrator's release was a gamble: the Macintosh did not have high market share, the only printer that could output Illustrator documents was Apple's own LaserWriter (also very new ...eatured AutoCAD (formerly named MicroCAD) at COMDEX in 1982. Initially AutoCAD was written for multiple operating systems, focusing on the CP/M architecture, but also made a branch for DOS and Unix. The company's ultimate goal was to achieve a major software brand (AutoCAD) running upon IBM's recently born PC platform. Thus, its power was its weakness: a relatively mediocre CAD application (due to Intel and MS-DOS limitations those days), available on a widespread platform. It made a CAD tool, good enough to create detailed technical drawings, possible and affordable to many smaller design.

Digital Arts

has transformed traditional activities such as paintingdrawing and sculpture, while new forms, such as net art, digital installation art, and virtual reality, have become recognized artistic practices
where digital images are well on their way to supplanting 35mm slides. The electronic classroom has cultivated a relatively high degree of digital literacy among art historians of all generations who have learned the mechanics of digital teaching. Such a scholar can download images from the web, resize them, enlarge details, adjust the color and import the images into slide lectures. She scans, knows about pixels, tiffs and jpegs, uses PhotoShop, PowerPoint, Luna Insight, and ARTstor as well as its offline viewer, takes digital pictures and archives them in multiple formats suitable for the web, classroom projection, and publication.

Digital teaching has not only created digital competence; it has stimulated the development and application of tools to simulate and enhance the experience of viewing art and architecture in ways impossible to achieve with slides. These tools make it possible to unfurl scrolls, move through buildings, zoom in on details, overlay different states of an etching, track the build-up of a painting, animate structural forces, navigate 3-D reconstructions of ruins, model an unbuilt design, and map archaeological sites. These examples do not represent exotic, high-end technical toys. They are increasingly commonplace features of digital teaching, museum presentation, and tools of research and analysis, but cannot be well accommodated on the static printed page. Their spreading application is creating a demand for electronic publishing outlets.
Art history is characterized by a computer-literate professoriate, an established commitment to digital presentation, and an appreciation of the analytic potential of electronic tools. These tools are yielding new perspectives on the objects of study, but now the only place they can be deployed, and their evidence shared fully, is in the classroom. Incubated in digital laboratories, electronically enhanced research is secured by university passwords that make it inaccessible to outsiders. Publishable work needs to be lifted from university silos and made accessible to the scholarly community with a stake in its content.

Virus Detected

A virus program contains instructions to initiate some sort of "event" that affects the infected computer. Each virus has an unique event associated with it. These events and their effects can range from harmless to devastating.

a simple video that describe, what virus can do on your computer unit.

These computer viruses include:

  • Trojan Horses
  • Worms
  • Email Viruses

The Trojan virus gets its name from an incident that occurs in Homer's Iliad. Similar to how the Greeks in Homer's poem sent an army of men, hidden in a wooden horse, to the Trojans to get into the wall of the city. A Trojan horse appears to be nothing more than an interesting computer program or file, such as "saxophone.wav file" on the computer of user who's interested in collecting sound samples. The Trojan virus once on your computer, doesn't reproduce, but instead makes your computer susceptible to malicious intruders by allowing them to access and read your files. Making this type of virus extremely dangerous to your computer's security and your personal privacy. Therefore, you should avoid downloading programs or files from sites if you're not 100 percent positive of what the file or program does.